Friday, January 13, 2012

Review: Warrior

Warrior is a gripping film centered around an estranged family reunited during an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) tournament. Writer / Director Gavin O'Connor (with fellow screenwriters Anthony Tambakis and Cliff Dorfman) provides the expected surface-level suspense of most fighting-themed films, but adds multiple layers to the story through the exploration of the main characters. While the character of Brendan Conlon (Joel Edgerton) is the typical heroic underdog, his brother Tommy Conlon (Tom Hardy) offsets the balance with his character-defining anger and mysterious past. Though vastly different from one another, they share the common link of disdain for their father (Nick Nolte), a recovering alcoholic trying to reconcile the rough past between the Conlons. It is Nick Nolte's portrayal that is truly at the heart of the film. Deservedly nominated for a Screen Actor's Guild Award for Best Supporting Actor, Nolte's Paddy Conlon gives this unique and captivating film its emotional depth. This film is a must-see.

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