Sunday, January 15, 2012

Crescent Theater Spotlight & Review: My Week with Marilyn

Spotlight: The Crescent Theater
Mobilians in the know are well aware of the local treasure that is the Crescent Theater. A small, one-screen movie theater in the heart of downtown Mobile, the Crescent is a movie lover's quaint little haven. An independently-owned theater with a passion for showing great films, the Crescent usually shows about one film per week, with showtimes generally at 6pm and 8:30pm nightly, with a 2pm matinee on Saturdays and Sundays. During special occasions (Christmas, Halloween, etc.) they will bring back old favorites (like Home Alone and It's a Wonderful Life) and cult classics (like Rocky Horror Picture Show). Whoever happens to be working at the Crescent that day will always introduce the film before it begins, often providing the audience with little pieces of trivia before heading upstairs to start the reel. There is an honor system at the Crescent: if you suddenly have the urge for more candy, feel free to run to the lobby and grab something; you can pay after the show. If you get there early enough, you can even claim one of the plush leather recliners positioned in the first two rows.

Today I saw My Week with Marilyn at the Crescent Theater, though I sadly did not make it in time to claim a recliner...

My Week with Marilyn
Directed by Simon Curtis, My Week with Marilyn is a wonderful film based on a memoir by Colin Clark. It focuses on the relationship formed between Colin Clark and Marilyn Monroe during her time in London for the shooting of Sir Laurence Olivier's film The Prince and the Showgirl. As with most bio-pics, it is easy to be harshly critical of the actors portraying icons, especially those as well known as Marilyn Monroe. But after the first scene featuring Michelle Williams as Monroe, I was convinced. There was something so deeply moving about Williams' portrayal of Monroe that it is difficult to articulate. Perhaps it was because the audience got to experience both sides of icon: the bold, sexual screen beauty, and the troubled, deeply insecure woman. Perhaps it was that we saw Marilyn come back to life on screen. Whatever the reason, Williams is absolutely mesmerizing. Similarly, I have to give credit to Kenneth Branagh for his wonderful portrayal of Sir Laurence Olivier. Both actors are well deserving of their Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild Award nominations. The film also stars Eddie Redmayne (as Colin Clark), Judi Dench and Emma Watson.

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