Saturday, May 7, 2011

An Oldie but a Goodie: Sunset Boulevard

It's a Saturday afternoon and you're planning on staying in the for the evening. You know you want to rent a movie and sit on the couch in your pajamas, but you can't quite decide what you're in the mood to watch. I suggest you take my advice and rent Sunset Boulevard. It's a classic film that won three Academy Awards and is considered by many to be one of the best films of all time. If you're not one to choose a black-and-white oldie, this is a perfect time and a perfect film to start with. A film about Hollywood and its toll on one of its former shining stars (played chillingly by the late great Gloria Swanson), Sunset takes your assumptions about what it was like during the "Golden Age" of Hollywood and turns it on its head. The film is fascinatingly modern in its themes, cinematically stunning, and is incredibly well-acted. Sunset Boulevard is well deserving of your Saturday night.

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