Friday, April 22, 2011

A Serial Synopsis of the Silver Screen

The precursor to this blog was my Do I Dare to Eat a Peach?, which existed as a medium for self-expression primarily during my time of unemployment. The blog lacked focus or direction. In general, the only time I found that I could write extinsively was when my attentions were focused on filmmaking.
Anyone who knows me well understands that I am quite the movie buff. If given the opportunity, I could ramble on for hours about trivia of the most useless nature. My poor husband is both awed and annoyed at the factoids I'll occasionally shout out during our weekly post-Blockbuster-raid movie nights.
In college I was blessed with the opportunity to be Freed-Hardeman University's movie critic for a semester, exposing Bell Tower readers to my ramblings in my column "Confessions of an Opinionated Moviegoer". Though it was short-lived, it was a wonderful experience which allowed me to express my thoughts and opinions on an artistic medium I hold close to my heart.
Now, as my husband and I have finally bitten the bullet and purchased internet access (until now we either stole a weak signal from the Burger King a few blocks away or had to haul our ancient laptop to the local Starbucks), I've decided to create this blog as not only a means for freeing my crowded mind of it's useless trivia, but more importantly as a way in which friends, family, and random readers can gain insight on films past and present.
I would like to preface all upcoming posts by saying that I approach film, in general, with an open mind. I am a Christian woman, and more often than not, actions displayed in film are in opposition to a lifestyle that I hope to lead. However, film is a medium for storytelling. While I may not choose to live like Vito Corleone, I respect that it is a reflection of the lifestyles of others. Film can be a window to unknown or unfamiliar worlds; it is a collective piece of art that aims to both entertain and enlighten. It is my personal goal that with each review, I include some information about possible suggestive matter that may help people approach the film with caution. I never wish to offend anyone.
That being said, I hope you enjoy this little blog.
I submit The Celluloidian to you fully aware of my own nerdy-ness.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to your blog posts. Since Bridger came, my movie-loving days have been put on hold--but I can read many a blog as he eats. You put the contrast between your desire to lead a Christ-like life versus the respect of storytelling well. :)
